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It’s All About Your Habits Babe!
Are you struggling with sticking to your morning routine?? Or maybe you feel like you have been struggling to stick with new healthy habits that you have been trying to implement throughout your day. I GET IT! No one said that change was going to be easy! It takes intentional and conscious effort to make changes in your life for your future self. Let me give you a few tips on how to create and maintain new healthy habits!
1. Habit stacking! I want you to think about a habit that you already have in place right now. Like drinking coffee every morning. Let’s say that you want to begin to move your body every morning. To use the habit stacking method what I want you to do is to put your workout clothes next to your coffee pot before you go to bed so that every morning when you wake up and drink your coffee you see your workout clothes and it becomes much easier to move your body in the morning! Think of some habits you already have in place and begin to merge your new habits with your old habits!
2. START SMALL! Make it so simple for yourself. If you make it too complicated, you won’t ever start! Make your habits work for you and your schedule!
3. Just do something. You are in charge of your life. Where you are right now in this very moment is the sum of your habits. Change just 1 thing about your morning routine or your night routine. Start there! It doesn’t have to be these massive changes. We like to think that it’s the big changes that lead to happier and more successful lives. The truth is that it’s about the small consistent changes and decisions you make everyday. They add up!
Music & Movement To The Rescue
This is for all the people feeling low. Like really low. Mood is off. Vibe is off. You just don’t want to get out of bed. Well, I have a little trick for you! Music and movement will absolutely rescue you and your vibe! YUP! IT’S TIME TO MOVE TO YOUR FAVORITE MUSIC! I want you to count down from 5 and spring into action literally right now. READY?? 5, 4, 3, 2, 1… GO! Get outside. Jump around. Do some squats or pushups. Walk around the block. Do whatever you have to do and do it to your favorite song! I promise you, your mood will change.
PS – You are in control of your attitude. Today and everyday. You always have a choice.
Just Live
It may seem simple, but I wanted to share with you something that my dad reminded me of the other day. He sent my family a video and the message was that this moment counts. We often forget that we are living our one precious life right now. RIGHT. NOW… & if you are reading this, you woke up today. Let me ask you something. How do you want to live the rest of your life? We will never know when our time is up in this physical world. So how do you want to live the rest of your life? My wish for you is that you take every chance you get and LIVE! You whoop it up with your family and friends. You laugh at yourself every once in a while. You dance until 2 AM and the bar is closing. You travel the world. You eat the pizza with a side of ranch (am I the only one who does this??). You take time off of work to spend it with family. You love yourself so damn hard because its the only person you have to spend the rest of your life with. You stop worrying about what other people think and you do you. You blast music in your car and sing at the top of your lungs with the windows down. You say I love you and I care about you often. I want you to JUST LIVE for you. Today and everyday. Heck – be grateful for another day. Some people didn’t get another chance.
If Today Was Your Last Day, How Would You Show Up Differently?
I think about this question a lot and I think it’s an important question to ponder! When we go about our day to day, always moving from one thing to the next, we don’t often think about how we do these things that we often take for granted. What if today was the last day you get to take your kids to soccer practice or the last day you get to spend with your parents or your sister? How would you show up differently. Would you blast your kids favorite song and dance with them in the car or tell you family you love them just because you can? What if today what the last day that you get to be in your office with your coworkers or the last day you get to workout and move your body? How would you show up differently? Would you have that hard conversation with your boss or smile when you walk into work? Would you be proud of yourself for who you are and how you show up in the world? How would things change if today was your last day ever? Let me be the one to encourage you to show up every single day like it’s your last day. Love hard. Work hard. Play hard. Be yourself. Your full, weird, funny, cheesy, beautiful self. The world needs more of you! More of your magic. Go live today like it’s your very last day and see how things change for you. Be THAT you every dang day.
How To Bring To Life That Future You
1. Do something that helps you to connect to yourself. Something that helps you to get out of your head and into the present while feeling so deeply connected to your mind, body and spirit.
2. Close your eyes and get in the zone. So in the zone that you have no choice but to focus on what you are doing in that very moment. No distractions. Just you and that moment.
3. For 3-5 minutes, while you’re doing that thing and you’re so in the zone, visualize your most magnificent self. What do you look like? What kind of car do you drive? What do you enjoy doing? What kind if career do you? Your most magnificent and fabulous future. YOUR future. Picture it all and go there. Go big.
When you take the time to sit with yourself and bring to life in your mind the future that you want for yourself, you are so much more likely to bring this future you to life. Visit this future you every single day.
Cheers to your best dang self. This moment counts.
When You Do Good, You Feel Good
I want to share something with you that will help to raise your vibration this week. We all know I am all about the little things that we do each day that can help us to be the best version of ourselves, so let me share a little tip with you! I want you to do something today that will help someone else. Being good to others is very well known for making the giver feel good too. There is even a term for it! Helpers high. Yup! Did you know that engaging in altruistic acts it produces endorphins? Crazy right! Go be a good human today. Pay for the person behind you in the drive through. Give someone a genuine compliment. Go volunteer with your people! Do some small acts of kindness for the people you know are going through it right now. Show up and give back! When you do good, you feel good too!
Simple Reminder You NEED to Hear
The other day I was reminded of this very simple idea. It is one that I talk about all the time, but if I am being honest the craziness of life can get in the way and it is easy to fall into a negative mindset. You get stuck in the same routine and you forget how good life really is.
I was at work and one of my favorite members reminded me that life is full of joy and little moments of happiness. As he was walking in, he asked me how I was doing just like he always does. I responded that I was doing pretty good! What he responded back with was just what I needed to hear that day, in that very moment. He looked at me in the eyes and he said with a big smile on his face, “I had the best cappuccino this morning so my day has been great.” In that moment I was reminded to slow down and enjoy the little things everyday that make me smile. Maybe it is a cup of coffee. Maybe it’s a good book. Maybe it’s a hug from your loved one. No matter how crazy life is right now, you still have a choice. Happiness is a choice. Gratitude is a choice. Focusing on the good things is a choice. Let’s choose all the good things no matter what season of life you’re in right now!
Take Selfies Of Your Soul!
No, I don’t mean literal selfies!! I want you to begin to make it a habit to journal. I know what you’re thinking. It sounds totally cliche and boring to be telling you to journal every dang day, but studies show that journaling helps you to process difficult events, create helpful narratives about challenging experiences and even let go of negative emotions that are weighing you down. Something even cooler than that is if you can make gratitude apart of your journaling session. Studies show that you will feel happier, you will develop more resiliency and even enjoy the relationships you have even more!! SAY WHAT?? Journaling is something that is so simple and easy to make apart of your day! Wake up 10 minutes earlier, have your journal on your night stand and start your day by checking in with yourself! Start by committing to writing 2 sentences and each day add just 1 more sentence. Before you know it, you will become a total expert at writing about your life!!